Accessing our service

Our referral critiera
We are here for families:
* Who have experienced a bereavement of someone significant to them;
* Who have children who are 18 or under;
* Who are seeking support for their grief;
* Where either the whole family, or at least one adult and one child in the family, want to receive bereavement counselling and support together.
Families will receive an initial zoom call, which forms a part of our assessment process and helps families to hear more about what we offer before deciding what they need. We then offer 3 zoom or in person sessions (at their home) with the family, before inviting them to a Family Day, where they will meet a small number of other bereaved families for a day of therapeutic support. After these sessions we offer a closing session, at which time we will invite the family to stay in touch with our charity and develop a network of ongoing support from other bereaved families by attending our social events, we usually offer these social events for upto two years after families have attended a family day.
Please note:
Families who are very recently bereaved may be given some initial support with a slight pause before the sessions start, if their grief feels to raw to be able to engage in the sessions.
We do not work with families that have ongoing child protection issues
We do not offer one-to-one counselling
We reserve the right to decline to work with families we feel that we are unable to help
Anyone can refer to Children and Families in Grief
If you would like our team to support you and your family at this difficult time, please download a referral form from this website, when completed please email it to us or post it to us.